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Part Number 140-101
Gottlieb U2/U3 EPROM Module

EPROM Adapter for Gottlieb System 80, 80A and 80B MPU's.
Replaces U2 and U3 PROM's on System 80 and 80A. Replacement EPROM adapter for System 80B.
Plugs into both U2 and U3 sockets for redundant and more reliable connections.
Does NOT occupy TC1 -- TC1 remains available for test fixture use!
New Machine pin sockets at U2 and U3 are recommended (not provided).
EPROM Optional.

> See online documentation here <

EPROM cannot be provided programmed by GPE due to copyright issues.

Gottlieb is a registered trademark owned by Gottlieb Development LLC

Made in USA

Add 27C512 EPROM
EPROM Omitted
EPROM Added (+$4.00)
Price: $20.00